Typescript SDK



Markets information is accessible through zoUser as well:

    const markets = zoUser.markets
    const solMarket = zoUser.markets['SOL-PERP']
      symbol: 'SOL-PERP',
      pubKey: PublicKey,
      indexPrice: new Num(50,...),
      indexTwap: new Num(50,...),
      markTwap: new Num(50,...),
      markPrice: new Num(50,...),
      baseImf: 0.1,
      pmmf: 0.05,
      fundingIndex: 988.533629,
      marketType: 0,
      assetDecimals: 9,
      assetLotSize: 7,
      quoteLotSize: 2,
      strike: 0
  symbol: market symbol
  pubKey: market address
  indexPrice - index price
  indexTwap - index twap
  markPrice - mark price
  markTwap - mark twap
  baseImf - base initial margin fraction
  pmmf- position maintenance margin fraction
  fundingIndex - last funding index recorded
  marketType - market type differentiating between perps, powers and evers
  assetDecimals - asset decimals
  assetLotSize - asset lot size
  quoteLotSize - quote lot size
  strike - related to powers and everlasting options


const assets = zoUser.assets
const solAsset = zoUser.assets['SOL']
  mint: PublicKey,
  oracleSymbol: 'SOL',
  decimals: 9,
  weight: 900,
  liqFee: 25,
  isBorrowable: true,
  optimalUtil: 700,
  optimalRate: 64,
  maxRate: 1064,
  ogFee: 0,
  isSwappable: true,
  serumOpenOrders: PublicKey,
  maxDeposit: 1000,
  dustThreshold: new Num(...,...),
  symbol: 'SOL',
  indexPrice: new Num(...,...),
  vault: PublicKey,
  supply: 65775.830278919,
  borrows: 59.038039678,
  supplyApy: 0.0000073656845170352596,
  borrowsApy: 0.008206302535162111
mint - mint address
oracleSymbol - oracle symbol
decimals - decimals
weight - weight of the asset when collateral is calculated
liqFee - fee given to the liquidators during liquidations
isBorrowable - if asset is borrowable
optimalUtil - optimal utilization
optimalRate - optimal rate
maxRate - max rate
ogFee - origination fee
isSwappable - if asset is swappable
serumOpenOrders - serum oo address
maxDeposit - maximum depositable amount
dustThreshold - dust threshold, used in bankruptcy calculations
symbol - symbol
indexPrice - index price
vault - vault address
supply - total supplied
borrows - total borrowed
supplyApy - supply earned each hour in bps
borrowsApy - paid by borrowers each hour in bps


Orderbooks are not loaded by default to make the load experience faster.

However, it is possible to load the specific orderbook, or subscribe to the changes.

const {asks, bids} = await zoUser.getOrderbook('SOL-PERP')
  [ 40.43, 0.01 ],
  [ 40.48, 1.65 ],
  [ 40.38, 31.76 ],
  [ 40.24, 1.65 ],

bids, asks array of arrays where each entry represents [price, size]

here is a simple way to make sure that orderbook data remains up to date

    await zoUser.state.subscribeToOrderbook('SOL-PERP')
    await zoUser.state.subscribeToAllOrderbooks()
    await zoUser.state.unsubscribeFromAllOrderbooks()